Dental Emergencies

Dental Emergencies

When you’re faced with a sudden toothache or dental injury, knowing how to get emergency dental care can be the difference between losing and saving a tooth. Urgent dental issues can happen at any time – during a meal, at a sporting event, or even in the dead of night.

So, what should you do if you find yourself in this predicament? The first step is to stay calm and assess the situation. Not all dental problems require immediate attention, but some, such as a knocked-out tooth, swelling, severe pain, or excessive bleeding, are true emergencies that need urgent care.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Dental Emergencies

Differentiating Between Urgent and Non-Urgent Dental Issues

It can be extremely worrying when you have a dental problem so let’s help clarify what’s a real emergency, and what can wait until normal surgery hours.

Urgent Dental Issues:

Non-Urgent Dental Issues:

Remember, dental emergencies can be serious, so when in doubt, it’s always better to check with your dentist sooner rather than later.

Pain Management and Temporary Relief Measures

No one likes to suffer in silence, especially if you’ve had a run-in with your wisdom teeth or lost a crown. Here’s how you can help manage your dental problem:

Accessing Emergency Services

If you have a dental emergency, your first call should be to your dentist. However, if you’re not registered with a dentist, or you require care outside of usual hours, several options are available:

Tips for Maintaining Oral Health to Avoid Emergencies

Keeping up with oral hygiene is your front-line defence against emergencies. Follow these tips and you will reduce your chances of suffering a dental emergency: